Wednesday, 2 July 2008


It's becoming increasingly clear that Obama really does not have a compass of any kind. He will say or do anything to get elected, and just like the emperor riding naked through town, the media and the adoring fans will pretend his invisible suit looks really dapper.

Obama is celebrating a reduction in the welfare caseload made possible by legislation he originally opposed.


When former President Bill Clinton was poised to sign welfare reform while running for re-election in 1996, Obama called it "disturbing."


Barack Obama aligned himself with welfare reform on Monday, launching a television ad which touts the way the overhaul "slashed the rolls by 80 percent." Obama leaves out, however, that he was against the 1996 federal legislation which precipitated the caseload reduction.

Obama's transformation from critic to champion of welfare reform is the latest in a series of moves to the center.

Since capturing the Democratic nomination, the Obama campaign has altered its stances on
Social Security taxes, meeting with rogue leaders without preconditions, and the constitutionality of Washington, D.C.'s, sweeping gun ban.


While campaigning for president in 2007, Obama refused on two occasions to say if he would have signed the same welfare-reform bill approved by the husband of his top rival.