Tuesday, 1 July 2008



Wesley Clark, the sometimes Republican, johnny-come-lately-just-in time-for-the-2004-election -Democrat says McCain's experience not enough, but Obama's qualifications:

1. Breathing
2. Awesome with a teleprompter

make him highly qualified.

Clark himself was once described as "abrasive and unpopular", was "relieved of command" after Kosovo for issues of "character" and "integrity". How ironic that Clark touts "character" and "judgment" as Obama's sole qualifications. It's a little reminiscent of Obama supporter Kirk Watson's enumeration of the Obama resume.

"Community Organizer" is the depth of Obama's executive qualifications. Since Obama has no experience and no qualifications, Clark falls back to "character" and "judgement".

On character, we know that Obama is truth challenged and his word is totally unreliable. On judgment, well, there's that whole kerfuffle around his 20 year relationship with his "spiritual mentor", who Obama wants us to believe was nothing like the manic America-hating racist we see on youtube.

Is this the kind of judgment we want leading the free world? Holding the nuclear football? Commanding the most powerful military on the planet?


McCain frequently points out that he led "the largest squadron in the U.S. Navy," but Clark said on CBS television that that was not enough to support a claim to the presidency.

"He hasn't been there and ordered the bombs to fall" [And Obama Has?] as a wartime commander, the general said on CBS. Clark is mentioned as a possible Obama running mate, although he originally supported Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton.

When the interviewer, Bob Schieffer, noted to Clark that McCain had been shot down over Hanoi, Clark replied, "I don't think riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to be president."

When Schieffer then asked what executive responsibility Obama had held - the Democrat's résumé includes work as a community organizer in Chicago and eight years in the Illinois legislature [Sure qualifications for President] - Clark said that Obama was running on the strength of his character and good judgment.